Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Five fold Ministry

Some friends have criticized me because I am a believer of present day Apostles and Prophets.  It's weird that they don't believe in these ministries even though on many of their belief statements they quote: We are considered a five fold ministry based on (Ephesians 4:11-12) "And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers.  For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ". (KJV) I wonder what the Chief Apostle would think about these churches that really actually believe in a three fold ministry (If that).  For churches or people that don't understand the five fold ministries, I'll try in the simplest of forms to explain them.

According to this passage, these people are gifts of Jesus to His church. The five-fold gifts are there to equip God's people to do the work of ministry and in the same way, the perfecting of saints. This way we can function in our particular area effectively. They essentially impart life and knowledge into others. 

The Apostle goes, gets the land and covers all other ministries training others to think strategically about the Kingdom and it's key structure.   

The Prophet points to the land, prepares and speaks to the four seas equipping others in how to use their prophetic voice.

The Evangelist has the farthest reach in the land and so he preaches to bring souls into the Kingdom. He teaches the people to spread the good news of the Gospel and to make disciples.

The Pastor is given the land and is married to the church so he can care for her.  He teaches the church how to care for others and  how to maintain disciples. 

The Teacher is the one that gives continual instructions to the land and imparts knowledge on how to correctly teach others. 

The purpose of these is not to showcase a title, as sadly many do,  but to train others with the skills they have been given.

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